Monday, March 23, 2015

Working Out

A few weeks ago I made the decision I need to lose weight and get in shape. Not just for my career and stuff but also for my long term health. I've really applied myself to getting in shape and trying to work out everyday for at least an hour. I walked into the gym absolutely lost and having no idea what to do or how to do anything. But I figured out a couple of the machines and read how to use the dumbbells and proceeded to start my workout. Those first few days were terrible, my body hurt, I sweated so much I looked like I jumped in a pool, and really I felt like just quitting and leaving it be. But as I kept it up it slowly got easier.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Keeping the Watch

There once were two young men back during the Roman Empire, their jobs were to patrol the walls of their small city and keep watch for any suspicious movement and upon sighting of an enemy force would sound the alarm to alert the city so everyone could get prepared.
 Day after day they would attend their training's and day after day their overseeing commander would remind them that they always much keep watch no matter how calm the times were. And indeed times were at a calm, there was a great peace through much of the Empire.