Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Too Quick to Forgive?

A few weeks ago me and a friend were sitting down and talking about things going on, just catching up when at one point in our conversation the phrase came up, "I'm too quick to forgive sometimes."
  I admit it was me that said it, and any of you that know me well know that I am probably one of the faster ones to throw out the "hey it's all good, I forgive you." I absolutely hate letting anything sit for more than a couple days (much to the amusement of my friends sometimes after I say something like "I refuse to chat them for the X amount of days" and then end up trying to fix our differences that night)

 But as I went home after hanging out and I laid in my bed the phrase kept going through my mind. "Too quick to forgive."

Too quick? What kind of phrase is this? This is a phrase that has permeated our life and our culture, I've heard it everywhere in all sorts of different circumstances. But really, is this a valid phrase that we as Christians can be or should be using?

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Life Update

Hey Guys,
    I know I've been slacking a little on the blog lately. (okay let's be honest this blog almost doesn't exist anymore, and I know you've all been tearing out your hair because you haven't been getting your daily dose of Ryan's life lessons, no? oh.. )

Life has been keeping me pretty busy as of lately, putting in a lot of hours at work and procrastinating with everything else. (should do a post on that sometime soon.)

Keep me in prayers as I'm still in the midst of the testing phase for the Cincinnati FD and the next test is the Physical Agility testing.

Stay Patient! A new post is just around the corner, I just have to find some extra time to finish reading up for it and then I'll get to work on it soon as I can, consider this an accountability post. If you don't see a post by the end of this week you all better start messaging me and asking about it.

If you have any particular topics you would want me to cover feel free to leave a comment and I'll see what I can do. I'm getting ready to update the blog pages again so if you don't see another post for a while that's probably why, I'll be updating the style of my blog with an added section for Theological posts and then there will be my normal devotional side.
  This why I can alternate weeks and gives me more time to get content for either side.

Hope you all are doing well!

God Bless,