About The Blog

A little bit about me:
  I'm a 22 year old Christian guy, nothing extraordinary. I Volunteer with the local Fire Dept. where I lead a Fire Explorer Outpost, getting the High school kids in that are interested and giving them some training to see if Firefighting is a career path they would like to travel down.
I work at a couple other Fire Dept. besides that as a Firefighter/EMT-B. It's not easy work all the time, but it's what I love to do.

The Original purpose of this blog was to be a place to put up my stories, pictures and updates from a big Sailing trip that I was supposed to take back in the summer of 2013. But through a string of events and poor communication I never ended up going. I kept playing around with the blog putting up a little story here and there, and the end result is basically what is now an online devotional. Instead of being a type of journal for trips and adventures to different places it's become a place for me to put up the spiritual adventures and lessons that I've been through and that God has been teaching me.

I'll do my best to keep new content coming out as regularly as possible, but there will be a few times here and there where I might only be able to squeeze out one or two posts a month. Bear with me though, it's always worth the wait.

I hope you all enjoy the blog, and I hope God uses it greatly to your benefit and for His glory.
  God Bless,