Not too long ago there was a man that lived in the downtown of a busy city. He lived in a small apartment right off one of the busiest streets. When he got home he enjoyed sitting down and having a nice cold glass of water and reading a book.
One particularly hot summer day, he happened to glance out the window and saw that there were many people walking the streets who appeared to be quite thirsty, some not so much. But he could see the heat working on them all. As he sat there for a moment watching the crowds moving and walking around, he decided he would go out and do something to refresh them.
So he took his water cooler, filled it up, and went outside. The first man he came to appeared to be homeless, and was most definitely in need of some water.
"Here you go," he said as he handed the man a cup. The man smiled and thanked him, and young man continued walking around giving others drinks of his water.
As people began to realize what he had, and what he was giving away more and more people began to walk up to him and ask for some. The young man no longer needed to walk around and ask if people needed something, they had heard of him and were coming by themselves!
Presently and soon enough, he stopped for a moment to check how much he had... it was near empty... All the work had left him parched himself, and he realized there wasn't enough to serve anymore people.. But they still kept coming. They were almost demanding water now...
The man stopped and had to explain to the people, "I can't give anymore, I need to go home and refill!"
Many of the people became bitter at this, and began to call him names and spread a bad word about him. Others that he had helped and that had seen how hard he had been working encouraged him to go home and rest for a bit before he came back.
So the man went back home, got his water, took up his book, and rested for awhile. "I will start again tomorrow," he thought, "After I am rested and have had a chance to refill my own glass."
"Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well." ~Proverbs 5:15 |
As Christians we often use water to represent the spirit, or the message we have to share with others. And it is true. But as in the illustration above, we must be careful that we do not drain ourselves completely trying to help others.
If your Pitcher is empty but you continue to stand at the corner of the hall at a party offering to fill peoples cups, you will do nothing but frustrate others because you cannot help them.
The message I'm trying to get across is this. Be sure to refill your spiritual cup daily. If we are spending all our time helping others, but neglecting to study the word, or to allow ourselves to be ministered to, then we are only going to wear ourselves out. You need to take time to refresh your spirit and to grow in the Lord by yourself without any other distractions.
God Bless,
Wise words. :)
Thanks Josh :)
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