Monday, February 13, 2017

Life Update (Yes I still exist)

Hey Everyone!
      I finally sat down to make time to give you guys this update and I realized as I was going over my last posts that it has almost been a full five months since my last post!

I can't express how sorry I am to you guys about that. I can give you all the excuses I want but that's not good enough. Wow... five months, I'm terrible at this. But don't be down! I have a list of ideas that I've built up over that time and you can expect two posts a month for at least a little bit.

Life has been crazy busy, two big changes in particular have pretty much changed how I lived and also are responsible for why I'm able to boot this up again. But I was also in a class for all of January that I was studying and dedicating a lot of time to make sure I passed (which I did, applause, thank you)

So the two big things.

So last year I swapped my shifts at the casino and went to the Grave shift (midnight to 8am), now as horrible as this sounds (and trust me it was wrecking havoc on my life and body) I did it so I could get a full time job and have the ability to move out of the house. During this time I also moved in with a friend of mine for a little while, this helped with rent and also he lived a little closer to the casino so I didn't have to drive so far.

Well as time went on the Grave shift was slowly killing me and I fell asleep at the wheel one morning on my way home. No one got hurt but I banged my truck up a little bit. I took this as God's warning sign telling me it was time for a change.

Coincidentally a position had opened up on the day shift. The only reason I hadn't put in for it was I would have to work every Sunday and that would totally kill my chances of attending my Church since we don't hold a Wednesday night service.

Well after the accident happened I took the hint and swapped shifts again. I now work the day shift (8am to 4pm) and it's made a massive impact on my life. I've found I'm more cheerful in general and life as a whole is just a lot better, plus I got a lot more time for my beautiful (and ever so patient with me) girlfriend now (you know, on the days I'm not pulling extra shifts at the station, haha). Now that I don't have to worry about falling asleep at the wheel anymore I moved yet again and am back in St. Leon, the main reason I did this was so I could be closer to the Fire House where I got my start as a volunteer. So all in all, life is going good. Hope you're all doing well, and like I said I'll have new content coming out on here soon. So spread the word and get people checking out my blog again!

God Bless,